//Variable permettant de stocker les informations d'un gène au click
VIEW="singleGene"; //possible value : "singleGene", "geneList"
jQuery('#splitter').jqxSplitter({ height: 950, width: '100%', theme: theme, panels: [{ size: '30%' },{ size: '70%'}] });
jQuery('#rightContainer').jqxSplitter({ height: '100%', width: '100%', orientation: 'horizontal', theme: theme, panels: [{ size: '72%' },{ size: '28%'}] });
//search genes
/* Mise en forme */
jQuery("#menu").jqxMenu({ width: '100%', height: '30px', showTopLevelArrows: true,theme: theme });
jQuery("#datasetMenu, .changeDatasetBtn").click(function(e){
//datset description
jQuery("#datasetDescriptionPanel").jqxPanel({ width: "97%", height: "85%", theme: theme, autoUpdate: true });
jQuery(".changeDatasetBtn").jqxButton({ width: 200, height:45, theme: theme});
Copy and paste a list of genes or probe sets (one by row, max : 10000 genes).
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
Please enter a Gene Name (ex: TP53) or an Affymetrix Probe Sets ID (ex: 201746_at) or a Key Word (ex : phosphatase)
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
Microarray Data Analysis Wizard
Add file
Current dataset: human_plasma_cell_differentiation_mas5 (see the description below)
Current gene set:
STEP I - Select a dataset of interest:
STEP II - Select the groups of interest:
Save network
Select a file type to save your file.
Continuous color
Change dataset
Gene expression profiling / Coexpression analysis
Copy and paste a list of genes or probe sets (one by row, max : 10000 genes).
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
To analyse only one gene
click here

Please enter a Gene Name (ex: TP53) or an Affymetrix Probe Sets ID (ex: 201746_at) or a Key Word (ex : phosphatase)

You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.

Data sets
Selected data table
Analysis Tools
Review selection
Tools for data analysis
Please, select a tool to analyze the data...

You have to be connected to get access to your G-Space. Please click here to log-in or sign up if you are'nt already a member.
Your G-space gives you the ability to save online your favorites gene lists and datasets for subsequent analysis.
Your G-space gives you the ability to save online your favorites gene lists and datasets for subsequent analysis.

Please, click on subimt button (left pannel) or change the selected dataset
(right pannel, tool bar).
Expression Profile
Coexpression analysis

Healthy tissues or cells
B to plasma cells (n = 3)
Human plasma cell differentiation GCRMA (sample =38)
Human plasma cell differentiation GCRMA unlogged (sample =38)
Human plasma cell differentiation MAS5 (sample =38)
Cancer tissues or cells
Colorectal (n = 1)
Hong Colon (sample =82)
Leukemia (n = 1)
Friedman Leukemia (sample =68)
Lung (n = 1)
Sanchez Lung (sample =91)
Lymphoma (n = 1)
Lenz Lymphoma (sample =420)
Myeloma (n = 4)
HM Myeloma 1 (sample =236)
HM myeloma cell lines (sample =42)
HM Myeloma Microenvironment (sample =27)
Zhan Myeloma (sample =345)
Pancreatic (n = 1)
Badea Pancreatic (sample =78)

Current dataset description:
Plot options
- Title
- Axis
Show title
Title : 
Font :
Y (min) :
Y (max) :
Log scale/Normalize:
Show tick mark labels
Font :
Rotation angle:

Expression Plot

Color continuously according to the correlation coefficent

Current dataset description: